Rain Is A Good Thing
How can rain be good in photos?
When it comes to your photo session or wedding day you probably are picturing clear skies. Of course no one hopes for rain, but it definitely is something that can happen. How you and your photographer react to it will determine how your photos turn out.
If you get down about it stay inside and pout, you will end up hating your photos. However, if you embrace it, have fun and think outside the box you can end up with beautiful unique photos that you will cherish for years to come.
Think about movies like:
Breakfast At Tiffany’s
The Notebook
and Sweet Home Alabama.
If you have seen these movies you no doubt remember the epic kissing in the rain scenes. Rain can be actually very romantic and beautiful if you know how to react to it and have fun with it.
I’m not saying you have to get drenched or muddy, you can just use an umbrella and be smart about it. If you don’t mind getting a little dirty and playing in it though the results can be EPIC. Here are just a few of my engagement sessions and weddings that embraced the rain!
We spent the day with Luke & Tasha at Disney World and it began to rain. Everyone ran under the buildings so it looked like we had the park to ourselves.